Simon Transparently Podcast
Simon Transparently Podcast features simon and guests sharing transparent conversations to inspire, educate and awaken your hearts, so that we can all RISE up together as love and co-create the more beautiful world we know is possible. Diving into key subjects; truth, sex, death, money, power and play.

Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Chris Assaad #8 | This Is Our Moment, Time We've Been Waiting For
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Come Back Into Your Heart, How Much We Can Love Is The Only Thing That We Can Change. "During these times of great planetary change and uncertainty, the many ways in which humanity is divided are becoming undeniable and the need for unity, harmony, and synergistic co-creation are evermore apparent. As we collectively lean deeper into this significant moment in history and look for a path forward, an ancient, timeless modality for catalyzing evolution and supporting healing is being rediscovered and renewed. As outdated societal norms, systems, and structures are crumbling—and those in positions of power, once entrusted to lead, are being more highly scrutinized—a new wave of rebel leadership is emerging to support the movement towards a more life-affirming, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable future." ~ CA Chris Assaad Singer-Songwriter. Inspirational Wordsmith & Writer. Healing & Transformation Guide. Lion Hearted Leader. Creative Fire Starter. A multi-passionate Canadian artist and heart-leader who left a promising career in law several years ago to follow his own heART and his passion for music. His fire for music was ignited shortly after he began exploring his love of singing and songwriting when he was forced to overcome a rapidly progressing hereditary hearing loss condition. More from Chris Assaad * If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this podcast and your supportive gifts are greatly received.

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Simon Selecta with Chris Assaad | Singing LION | Ep #1
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Simon Transparently presents Simon Selecta a series of encounters with conscious musicians who share their musical medicine with an intention to enlighten humanity with loving vibrations. Each Simon selecta plays one of the musicians tracks and then we wax lyrical around that track and what it means to the artist and myself. We kick of this series with none other than Chris Assaad, the co-creator who orginated this idea for the new series. We shall be going through his whole album obver the coming months. He also sat with me on Simon Transparently podcast so jump onto that great conversation to. "Lion is a song about the lion within each of us. Its message and invitation is to overcome our fears and find the courage to follow our true calling and the path less travelled, as opposed to the one we are often prescribed by others. Its medicine is amplified courage and the power to find our true roar, to express it boldly and to let it be heard by those who need it." More from Chris AssaadLiving In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Ian Mackenzie #7 | Fatherhood, Love, Sexuality, and The Collapse of Village
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Death Phobia As A Sympton Of A Loss Of Real Culture. How Did Things Get As They Are? Has The World Always Been Crazy? What is the point of humans? What is true culture, what is true village? I can do almost anything, but I cant do everything; Fatherhood, Love, Sexuality, and partnership. Im Looking at the same calamity from a differnet angle. Where do you want to be and who do you want to be with? The current economic system enforces greed and scarcity. Death phobia as a sympton of a loss of real culture. Modern culture thinks its sexuality liberated but its not. We speak on Tamera in Portugal; a community dedicated to truth and love. New paradigm visionary artist, filmmaker and creator and host of The Mythic Masculine and also a writer who lives on the Salish Sea with his partner and young son. For over 10 years, Ian has been tracking the global emergence of new culture. From the desert of Burning Man to the heart of Occupy Wall St, he has sought and amplified the voices of visionaries, artists and activists who have been working toward planetary system change. A filmmaker, writer, speaker, and facilitator most compelled by the intersection of eros, emergence, and village. More from Ian Mackenzie The article Ian Mentioned: Facing Extinction by Catherine Ingram Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
DarPan #6 | Awakening Into A New Vision For Humanity
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
The World Is Changing At Such A Rapid Rate, It may Soon Be Unrecognisable To Most Of Us Alive Today. I am not sure I have had as much energy moving through me in one conversation as this one. I had been listenting to DarPans voice for several years through his audio transmission called "Metamorphosis, something deep within life is changing." and then his latest one in 2019 called "A New Vision, we live in extraordinary times." both these transmissions have been core anchors for me to navigate through the global awakening that has been my reality for the past 12 years and its currently at a very key stage in the evolution of humanity. I thoroughly recommend diving into these and reading the transcripts I have shared on the links above. Darpan weaves 30 years of experience in music, healing, and the shamanic arts to create a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and transforms. Bringing people together to create an unambiguous experience of our common Source is the intention, which inspires his work. A skillful blend of ceremony, song, meditation and celebration are the means by which he achieves the goal. A singer, multi-instrumentalist and neo-shaman and a living synthesis of his teachings DarPan is an inspirational speaker and gifted musician. He spent several years studying the art of meditation in India with the enlightened mystic Osho, and later lived and worked with various shamans and healers in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. He is also deeply influenced by Tibetan Bhuddist and Taoist philosophy. More from DarPan; and on Soundcloud Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Philip Shepherd #5 | Radical Wholeness And Divine Play
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Play Is The One Activity In Which The Whole Personality Is Present. The Opposite Of Play Is Compliance. When there is no wholeness, there cannot be response. If you are looking for safety you will comply. The only way to connect to reality is to surrender to the wholeness. Philip Shepherd is recognized as an international authority on embodiment. His unique techniques have been developed to transform our disconnected experience of self and world, and are based on the vision articulated in his celebrated books, New Self, New World (2010) and Radical Wholeness (Nov 2017). He developed the practices of TEPP to help people reunite the thinking of the head with the deep, present and calm intelligence of the body. Ultimately, TEPP is about coming home to yourself. More from Philip ShepherdLiving In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Brian Piergrossi #4 | How Do We Come Back To Play; The Truth Of Who We Are
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Excellence, Effortless And Play. Can Every Moment Be A Playful Meditation With The Divine Awechestration. Freeing up our immagination to dance with this powerful present mysterious moment. Ego, the illusionary sense of the seperate self. The ego is not into play and games! The infinite playing in the world of form. Compassion, empathy and acceptance. Caring for the whole through oneness. The more we are in a state of love, the more love we have to give. This is one of many conversations with Brian over the years and it was our first time meeting in flesh and having the opportunity to connect and share some precious moments of big glow. "Coach, mentor, author, podcaster, healer, workshop facilitator, father, Brian Piergrossi is a beacon of light who has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world over the past 13 years." More from; Brian Piergrossi Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
If You Want To Live A More Spiritual Life, Live A More Human Life. Be More Truly, Fiercely, Heartfully Human. I invited Jeff onto this new series of conversations because he had sent me a copy of his latest book 'Grounded Spirituality' I wanted to dive in with him a little more and share with you all. "In Grounded Spirituality, Jeff lays down the tracks for an embodied way of being—one that leaves us ‘enrealed,’ integrated, and purposeful. Not awakened—but awakening. Not transcending our humanness—but finding meaning and spirituality within it, right in the heart of our imperfect daily lives. At long last, we can lay down our weary heads, burdened by the impossibility of transcending our human experience. Back to our roots, back into our bodies, back into all that makes us magnificently human." More from Jeff Brown Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Charles Eisenstein #2 | Awareness Of The Tragedies Unfolding Keeps Me Honest
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Charles Eisenstein Author & Philosopher is one of the most important voices in the world today. This is another powerful conversation that flows spontaneously. I cherish sharing conversations with Charles. Since our first conversation back in 2012, we have shared many more and he has been a constant inspiration to me. In this dance we cover the topics;
* Reframing drama and being a young species * Learning from our assumptions and judgement* Flag your assumptions, what are they pointing to, where are they coming from? * Power of Intention * Healing societies * Beliefs as symptoms rather than causes, symptoms of a set of conditions * Awareness of the tragedies unfolding keeps me honest * Trauma And; * Near the end of the conversation I ask Charles to speak a little on his groundbreaking new book 'Climate' where he is Flipping the script on climate change, Eisenstein makes a case for a wholesale reimagining of the framing, tactics, and goals we employ in our journey to heal from ecological destruction. With research and insight, Charles Eisenstein details how the quantification of the natural world leads to a lack of integration and our “fight” mentality. Charles Eisenstein is one of the most important voices in the world today. A teacher, speaker, philosopher and author focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. He is the author of Sacred Economics & The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible and more from Charles here; Charles Eisenstein
Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Luke Kohen Is A Voice Of Inspiration & Leadership On Our Planet As A Speaker, Heartist, Poet, & Ecopreneur. Luke carries a unique multi-disciplinary wisdom in service to an emerging culture on the planet. Deeply Passionate about bridging the gap between social entrepreneurship & environmental activism, he has been a strategist for forging new models of collaboration and innovation where the meeting of universal spirituality, holistic business, whole systems change and community building all converge.
Since 2008 Luke has been supporting, consulting & co-creating with movements, communities, organizations & leaders committed to the formation of leading edge eco-villages, educational institutes & innovative solutions to solve our worlds greatest challenges.
More from Luke; lukekohen Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Transparent Communication
‘Real Listening is the willingness to let the other being change you’
When I am willing to let them change me, something happens between us that’s more interesting than a pair of duelling monologues. - Alan Alda
“The common misconception is that language has to do with *words* and what they mean. It doesn’t. It has to do with *people* and what *they* mean”