Simon Transparently Podcast
Simon Transparently Podcast features simon and guests sharing transparent conversations to inspire, educate and awaken your hearts, so that we can all RISE up together as love and co-create the more beautiful world we know is possible. Diving into key subjects; truth, sex, death, money, power and play.

Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Lineke Heus & Simon #35 | Living In The Gift Economy
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Reflections From Lineke & Simon After Completing The 'Living In The Gift Course By Charles Eisenstein. Personal And Collective Transition From An Age Of Scarcity And Separation, To An Age Of Abundance, Community, And Gift.
We hope you can benefit from this reflective and inspiring conversation as we both share our keynotes and what landed within our hearts. I have been practicing and experimenting with the Gift Economy since 2011. This mode of exchange is not just about our relationship to money, it's a call into the trust of life itself. I often remark how walking this path has been the ultimate test of trust. Working my trust muscles in every way. The Gift is not some new age mode of exchange, it's actually ancient and for us is the very natural way to exchange our gifts. We are the gift and life itself is giving to us constantly. When we reframe and shift our perspective into the eternal giving chain, then there is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed. The more we give, the more we have to give. What we appreciate, appreciates. We literally enter into the realm of magic, the abundant realm prosperity. We begin to receive from absolutely everywhere, because that is the simple truth of the matter. All is sacred and all is for us. This mode of exchange creates a deeper intimacy and trust in life. It creates community and supports us into a new money story beyond fear based often difficult to value transactions formed from lack and scarcity mentality, into the ever flowing current-sea of wealth and prosperity. This is not to say anything bad about money, money is a neutral energy and a beautiful form to gift with. We both love money and how it can be used to create in this current society AND it is not the definitive way to exchange. When we value each other's skills, talents, resources, and existence itself as unique gifts, we are invited into greater value exchange beyond the number price tags that our current commerce system uses as our way to measure value. I find this to be extremely limiting and often creates exclusivity, whereas LOVE has no price tag and is fully inclusive. You can enjoy ‘Living In The Gift’ course from Charles on his website. it is offered as a gift, (of course) so you decide the value you want to give, what feels warm in your heart.
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more that I give, the more I have to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Patreon.

Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Charles Eisenstein #34 | Lets Extend Our Compassion To Include All
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
We Tend To See What’s Convenient To See, What Preserves Our Worldview. Civilisational Collapse Is Not Going To Deliver Us Into A Better World. How Beautiful Of A World Are We Ready To Choose? Enjoy this empowering conversation and the fourth with Charles Eisenstein in this podcast series. I think many of you know already how much I appreciate Charles's insights and perspectives on reality. His worldview and ways in which we can midwife the more beautiful world into existence have for over a decade now, been anchors to keep me aligned to my own contribution and how to trust in the process. It is indeed a conscious choice that I have to regulary review.
Time stamp: 0:00 - 8:00;
They thought they were free.
Speaking up during the pandemic. What Forces were at work these past years?
12:00 - 17:00;
What guarantee is there that something like this is not going to happen again?
Millions of beings starved due to lockdowns.
Our compassion extends as far as you can see.
17:00 - 22:00; Lets extend our Compassion to include all. We tend to see what’s convenient to see, what preserves our worldview.
Inhumane policies.
23:00 - 28:00;
Civilisational collapse is not going to deliver us into a better world.
Crisis gives us an opportunity to choose something else.
29:00 - 33:00; We can see where we are headed.
Matrix cyborg. If our horror was going to stop us, it would have already.
We have to choose something else.
Facing death.
33:00 - 37:00;
What is bottom for our civilisation?
Devote ourselves to life and beauty.
Investing in my future makes less and less sense.
Service to something greater.
It’s not about me.
37:00 - 42:00;
Helpful to have others around us who are devoted.
The frequency that gets transmitted.
What raise bottom?
The importance of a mentor.
Whats on the menu?
Picking strawberries.
42:00 - 47:00;
Alternative options to a trans-humanist metaverse.
What can we do about it?
Appeal of Polly Higgins and Zach Bush.
Direct connection to a more beautiful world.
47:00 - 51:00; When we fully receive the gifts.
If in the old story it seems hopeless.
There is hope.
Desperation to get out, they attract like prayers of supplication.
It’s not hopeless.
New data points.
I trust the sacred.
51:00 - End;
Devoted solutions.
Structures of control are dissolving.
Deepening choices.
How beautiful of a world are we ready to choose?
Conversations orient us to this choice.
Trust the alignment.
Attuning to opportunities we didn’t know we had before.
Beacons of Love.
It’s about Being.
-------------------------------------------------* Charles Eisenstein is one of the most important voices in the world today. A teacher, speaker, philosopher and author focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. He is the author of Sacred Economics & The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible. More from Charles eisenstein & his recent writings are on his SubstackLiving In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Patreon.

Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Dar Pan #33 | Race Hypnosis & The Awakening Of Homo Celestial
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
We Have To Look At The Shadow, Those Unconscious Parts Which Need To Be Made Conscious. Hypnotised By The Illusions Of Security & Dependability. Trust In The Process Of Awakening. This is a PowerFULL two hour conversation and continuation to our two previous podcasts where Dar Pan lays out where we are as civilisation in crisis and what is required to navigate through this stage of the collective awakening. We touch on so many topics and give insights on the new vision of humanity, to trust in our intuition and keep our eyes open. Set some time aside to be present, make yourself comfortable with a notepad and pen, then let your subconscious be wired with infinite possibilities. Let us all trust in the process of awakening. If you havent listened to the two previous conversations with Dar Pan, I invite you to bookmark them and jump on the awakening train; Dar Pan #6 & Dar Pan #19 I have been listenting to Dar Pans voice for several years through his audio transmission; "Metamorphosis, Something deep within life is changing." and his latest one in 2019; "A New Vision, We live in extraordinary times." both these transmissions have been core anchors for me to navigate through this poignant stage in the evolution of humanity. I thoroughly recommend diving into these and reading the transcripts I have shared on the links above. Dar Pan is an inspirational speaker and gifted musician weaving 30 years of experience in music, healing, and the shamanic arts to create a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and transforms. Bringing people together to create an unambiguous experience of our common Source is the intention, which inspires his work. A skillful blend of ceremony, song, meditation and celebration are the means by which he achieves the goal. He spent several years studying the art of meditation in India with the enlightened mystic Osho, and later lived and worked with various shamans and healers in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. He is also deeply influenced by Tibetan Bhuddist and Taoist philosophy. More from DarPan; and on Soundcloud Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of unconditional giving and live by the motto: The more I give, the more I’ve got to give. Please share this podcast with friends and leave a comment as this helps to spread the awareness.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Peppi Gauci #32 | Use Permaculture Tools To Design Your Life
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
What Do You Want To Birth Into Existence? Let Natures Mastery Teach Us How To Live Symbiotically.
Partake In The Birth Of A New Humanity. + "Permaculture is not just about cultivating organic food. It’s a tool box with a broad array of tools for anything involving human activities."+ "Permaculture helps us to be more connected and aware and how to uncover which switches need to be tuned into the frequencies needed to co-create with nature and build something with solid foundations."
+ "Permaculture can influence our way forward into being more consciously aware and active in a symbiotic way with nature; with this knowing, we can co-create the garden of eden so many of us dream of."Permaculture sucked me in with a big WOW; why didn’t we learn this as a subject at school because it just brought everything together for me. It made sense why I learned all the other subjects, It’s an integration philosophy, it also pools in the people power into building resources together. ~ Peppi Gauci. Peppi is an experienced ecological designer, a certified permaculturist, alternative farmer, teacher, consultant, and also the founder of the Permaculture Research Foundation for Malta. He is the visionary behind the Bahrija Oasis project Malta which was an ambitious permaculture project. He has recently ignited the vision for Zee Barn bio-collective, a holistic project born out of love for living simply in balance with Mother Nature. Zee Barn brings a collection of practices and disciplines that nurture life in its fullness. More from Peppi Gauci
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Miguel Humblet #31 | The Birth Of A Regenerative Civilisation
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
We Are Nature. We Are Rising Inside A New Culture. Become Less Human. We Are Growing In Trust. There Are Sacred Places We Can Meet To Be With Each Other. There is a depth of knowing coming from the rising earth intelligence. As we move into receptivity we evoke the conditions to create transformation and realignment of humanity as we listen to the voice of our earth. As we are regenerating we are the soil and we contain all the seeds to birth the new world rising from within us. Miguel Humblet is an architect, ecologist and regenerator, sacred space holder , co-founder of Gravito Retreat Center. He works with several global alliances on ecosystem regeneration and sacred activism. He has 11 years of experience in holding space, the way of the council, shamanic works, men's groups and hosting retreats. Miguel loves to bridge ecology and consciousness exploration through authenticity, spontaneity, intimacy with Spirit. Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Lets Talk About Sex with Vanessa Heibel | Ep #3
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
You Have the Permission to Touch Yourself – No More CompromisesWelcome to Let’s Talk About Sex, a candid and heartfelt series within the Simon Transparently podcast. In these conversations, Simon opens up space to explore the often-tabooed but universally important topics of sexuality, intimacy, and self-love. Each episode dives into the complexities of human connection, offering listeners insights into how they can cultivate a healthy, authentic relationship with their own sexuality. Through real stories, expert voices, and honest reflections, Let’s Talk About Sex aims to empower listeners to embrace their full selves and foster conscious connections."It's life-changing and so deep. The most touching moments of my life were during our ritual together. Witnessing others in the same vulnerable state as myself was profoundly moving—so connecting, so innocent. It was an experience I could have never imagined because of the heavy stigma around sex."
"It's not wrong, it's not bad. There is nothing to blame yourself for, nothing to feel guilty about. To simply be, to touch yourself, to love yourself—how could that ever be a sin? At our core, we are born from the act of making love."
Vanessa Heibel, a pleasure activist and consciousness researcher, shares her journey in this episode. Through her work as a systemic and integral coach and Acceptance trainer, Vanessa helps others find their way back to their true selves, opening up pathways of acceptance and deep connection. She offers coaching, workshops, and a podcast focused on topics like "acceptance" and "life and death." Vanessa’s Testimonial“This training has transformed my relationship with self-love and pleasure. I’ve reconnected with my body in ways I never thought possible, healing from numbness and shame. The journey has been both healing and deeply empowering. I’ve discovered a stronger connection with my orgasmic energy, and it has transformed every part of my life.”
More from Vanessa; Website & Podcast----------------------------------------------Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. You can contribute your one off or recurring gifts through Simon Transparently

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Aaron Kleinerman #30 | Laughter; The Recognition Of Truth Itself
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
When I Have A Good Bolt Of Laughter Moving Through My System, That’s Really Where I Access God. Where Does Laughter Burn In Your Being? That’s What Sets Us Free. Beyond the field of right doing and wrong doing, there is laughter! I hope you can enjoy this LIVE Laughter stream with myself and blessed brista Aaron Kleinerman. Both of us have a passion for laughter and we recorded this not so long after our first meeting in Bali. During this expression of laughter we hope you shall find out why laughter is intelligence and rebellion in its purest form. Let us laugh like children do.
"Laughter is a powerful way to not take ourselves too seriously. I can’t get over a triggered story I’m upholding until I can actually laugh about it. Until you can laugh about it, the story is still hunting you, do you want to go to your grave with your same story, same illusion you’ve been holding onto for so long or are you actually ready to let it go? When you can laugh about it and find joy, then its truly dissolved.
If you’ve lost the joy, you’ve lost the meaning of life."If you love laughter and you will love this epic article from my friend Marc Itzler; From Seriousness To Sincerity. "Laughter is so often seen as a lack of capacity to understand the gravity of a situation. It’s frivolous, it’s selfish, it’s a sign that you’re not getting it! But when we really try to understand laughter, when we get real about what laughter and a sense of humour actually is, then we begin to see that it is, in its purest form, the greatest expression of understanding that we have. Laughter is our bodies reaction to a moment of ultimate clarity, it is how we express the recognition of truth itself." You can join The Chuckle Train Telegram group where a small group of us show up and share our laughter with each other. * Aaron Kleinerman is a Transformational Tantric Coach, Facilitator, Author and Speaker. He is the lead male teacher for the Embodied Awakening Academy, a Tantric Practioner, and creator of ‘The Conscious Mans Guide to the Bedroom.’ Aaron speaks and teaches honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence. Aaron’s mastery as a teacher provides the practical tools everyone needs to implement embodied awakened intelligence into daily life. More from Aaron Kleinerman
Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine.

Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Simon Says Ep #1 | You And I Are It | Free Flow Spoken Word
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Violence Is A Tragic Expression Of Our Unmet Needs. We Are Sovereign Beings Expressing Our Divinity. Wake Up To The Invisible Prison. Trying something a little different for you all. I love spontaneous free flow or what I like to call 'sacred freestyle'. Just turning on the microphone and letting what wants to arise to flow freely. Sometimes they rhyme, sometime I rap. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they are crap. I will be sharing more of these transparent and inspirational spoken word flows for you to enjoy. May they ignite motivation and a reminder of our divine miracolous nature that you and I are. We are already complete and whole. That which we seek is seeking us. Let us all rise up together as LOVE. All is well in this moment. if you enjoyed this free flow, let me know in the comments or send me a message through my website: Simon Transaprently You can also join my Telegram Channel with Daily uplifting content and me sharing my life adventure to inspire and remind you of your divinity.
Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Lets Talk About Sex with Sanne Samina | Ep #2
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
I Want To Feel One With God. Let Us Be Penetrated By Life.I Take Full Responsibility For My Pleasure. Freedom Is A Taboo. La Vida Es, Amar-y-ya...Enjoy this vibrant conversation with Sanne Samina as we sat together in a beautiful Yurt. We covered many topics that hold us back from our sovereign ecstatic nature. Are you ready to write a different script and co-create the greatest blockbuster movie of LOVE we could ever imagine. Its happening. Can we all rise up and live as LOVE? In this episode of 'Lets Talk About Sex' ✩ Its all foreplay.✩ Creation is one huge orgasm. ✩ We have to die to life to be truly live.✩ Weaving meditation with Sex to create love.✩ Truly loving ourselves. ✩ Self pleasure is not always sexual.✩ Allowing ourselves to be touched by life. ✩ Self love is the greatest response to all suffering. ✩ God has been hidden in your pants. ✩ Yearning for union, to be taken by god. ✩ Power of menstruation & celebrating our waters. ✩ Sexual suppression. ✩ ISTA International School Of Temple Arts. ✩ Pain-body & feedback loop from hell. ✩ Access our ecstatic creative potential. ✩ Our past stories do not exist. ✩ We are LOVE.When I asked Sanne for her bio, she replied "Write what you feel". I feel she would say at the core she is 'just LOVE'. Like all female bodied beings, a soul creator, a vortex of womb wisdom, a priestess midwifing a new civilisation into being. A poet, writer and star of the greatest movie ever produced; LIFE itself. Self authoring, playing and uncovering the shadows and false beliefs that attempt to hold us back from our sovereign ecstatic nature. - Its never an easy task describing the indescribable. You can catch some of Sanne expressions on her InstagramIf you are inspired by the invitation to love yourself like only YOU can, then join our community of 'Pleasure Activists', Go Touch Yourself, Return To Ecstacy | Online Training
Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently or Patreon. And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Charles Eisenstein #29 | Where Does life Want To Go To Next?
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
The Show, The Lie, The Matrix Is The Creation Of All Of Us. Every Part Of Me Has A Divine Purpose. One Of The Most Serious Warning Signs Of A Society In Deep Crisis Is That People Can’t Laugh Together Anymore. As I sit with Charles once again I am taken into the rapture of his wisdom as we dive into our free flow dance with words. I really appreciate the humbleness of Charles and the wisdom we share in this conversation. We begin our dance with Charles asking me a question and saying; "I'm done with being the smart guy on the microphone". So where does life want to go? and do any of us actually know the answer to this question? Topic we danced with:
The stigma of leadership
Holding the feminine sacred once more
Where is the Heroines Journey?
What is the Myth of Actualisation?
Where does life want to go to next?
Women want to trust the masculine and not be the masculine
Initiation from boy to men
Intense distortions of sexuality growing up
Denial and Distortion of pleasure and sexuality
Sex is for Union
The situation of earth is serious
Its really up to us
The show, the lie, the matrix is the creation of all of us
Why has fuck become a most aggressive hostile word?
Words have power
Every part of me has a divine purpose
Charles Eisenstein is one of the most important voices in the world today. A teacher, speaker, philosopher and author focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. He is the author of Sacred Economics & The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible. More from Charles eisenstein & his recent writings are on his SubstackLiving In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Patreon.

Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Philipp Shine #28 | To Truly Shine We Have To Die
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Die And Let Yourself Rise And Shine. Allowing Myself To Enjoy Life Without Guilt. Removing Everything In The Way Of The Truth. Awakening on The Path of Truth and Personal Transformation. Die To What Others Think Of You. Let go of the security you feel by holding onto patterns and behaviours that are holding you back from dying and rising into the truth of who you are.Enjoy this inspiring conversation with my great friend and brother Philipp Shine. We cover aspects of Philipps personal transformation over the past five years since we met on NAKED The Retreat. We share some of the challenges and pitfulls we have to move through in order to die and rise as embodied sovereign beings willing to shine bright in service to life itself because life really LOVES us all. Philipp Shine is a musician and music producer, coach and mentor. He supports people in evolving into the most authentic version of themselves, so they can live in truth and joy. Philipp moved to Portugal from his home country Austria in 2020. This is where he lives, creates, works and surfs.Catch Philipp on Telegram and Instagram
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Patreon.

Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Peppi Gauci #27 | Regenerative Culture As An Answer To Our Challenges
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Regenerative Culture As An Answer To Our Individual & Collective Challenges; How Do We Connect To Ourselves, Recharge Our Batteries And Come Back To A Place Of Wholness Once Again.
Please enjoy another epic conversation with my friend and teacher Peppi Gauci. I recently visited his land in Portugal and was able to grab an in flesh conversation inside his new Tipee. I trust this dialogue inspires and educates you in some way. This is always my intention. Let us slow down and allow nature to regenerate ourselves.
Topics we danced with:
Integration & Embodiment
Change in economics and our values
Real value in life
Coming back to wholeness, empowerment, soul and interconnectedness
Growing & cultivating roots and slowing down
Being as basis of recharging & receiving
Connect to yourself in stillness
Disconneting from being busy
From orchestrator to observer
The do-er vs the souvereign be-er
Native American way of life
Separation through a spiritual identity vs spiritual interconnectedness
Maintaining deep happiness & contentment
Simplicity & wonder
Engaging in Peppi's work
Peppi is an experienced ecological designer, a certified permaculturist, alternative farmer, teacher, consultant, and also the founder of the Permaculture Research Foundation for Malta. He is the visionary behind the Bahrija Oasis project Malta which was an ambitious permaculture project. He has recently ignited the vision for Zee Barn bio-collective, a holistic project born out of love for living simply in balance with Mother Nature. Zee Barn brings a collection of practices and disciplines that nurture life in its fullness. More from Peppi Gauci
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Transparent Communication
‘Real Listening is the willingness to let the other being change you’
When I am willing to let them change me, something happens between us that’s more interesting than a pair of duelling monologues. - Alan Alda
“The common misconception is that language has to do with *words* and what they mean. It doesn’t. It has to do with *people* and what *they* mean”