Simon Transparently Podcast
Simon Transparently Podcast features simon and guests sharing transparent conversations to inspire, educate and awaken your hearts, so that we can all RISE up together as love and co-create the more beautiful world we know is possible. Diving into key subjects; truth, sex, death, money, power and play.

Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Lets Talk About Sex with Mareen Scholl | Ep #1
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
The Way I Am In Contact With Myself Tells Me A Lot About How I Connect With Other People And The World Outside. Integrity Is The Key Word In My Life. The Power Of Transparency And Sharing Our Insecurities Creates Authentic Connection. In this episode of 'Lets Talk About Sex' ✩ Sexual oppression and how in some countries souls still cannot live and explore their sexuality in a free way. ✩ Gender, Consent, Feminism, Patriarchy, Capatalism. ✩ The importance of expanding our pleasure around our whole body. ✩ Integrating our genitals because there is no difference in body parts. ✩ How society is made up of everybody out there and more...Mareen is a somatic researcher with a focus on Sexological Bodywork, Pantarei, holistic bodywork, massage and kinky sexwork, Mareen accompanies people in differentiated spaces on different levels of their joyful and meaningful being. More from Mareen
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently or Patreon. And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Mar 20, 2021
DarPan #19 | Trust & Surrender To Process Of Awakening
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Death Is Always Followed By Rebirth. Take A Quantum Leap Into Non Dual Awareness. We all have front row seats to the most extraordinary show ever happened for human consciousness. Listen to your intuition as your eyes open. I have been listenting to DarPans voice for several years through his audio transmission called "Metamorphosis, something deep within life is changing." and his latest one in 2019 called "A New Vision, we live in extraordinary times." both these transmissions have been core anchors for me to navigate through the global awakening that has been my reality for the past 12 years and its currently at a very key stage in the evolution of humanity. I thoroughly recommend diving into these and reading the transcripts I have shared on the links above. Darpan weaves 30 years of experience in music, healing, and the shamanic arts to create a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and transforms. Bringing people together to create an unambiguous experience of our common Source is the intention, which inspires his work. A skillful blend of ceremony, song, meditation and celebration are the means by which he achieves the goal. A singer, multi-instrumentalist and neo-shaman and a living synthesis of his teachings DarPan is an inspirational speaker and gifted musician. He spent several years studying the art of meditation in India with the enlightened mystic Osho, and later lived and worked with various shamans and healers in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. He is also deeply influenced by Tibetan Bhuddist and Taoist philosophy. More from DarPan; and on Soundcloud Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Ananda Sarita #18 | Enlightenment Is Possible For Every Human Being
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
We Must Honour The Genitals, Where We Came From. Honour Sexuality, Divine masculine, Feminine, & Let Them Play In The Light Of Awareness & Love. No mud, no lotus. Our sexuality is cut off to make us docile slaves. Ma Ananda Sarita is a world renowned Tantra master & mystic offering courses, retreats and trainings throughout the world. Having received a direct transmission from Osho, she is true to the spiritual essence of Tantra and guides her students on the path of self realisation. At the same time, she helps people to transcend the psychological issues which are carried as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences. She is also a master healer, author and producer/director of Tantra online courses.
Sarita met Osho in Mumbai India in 1973, at the age of 17, and subsequently remained in his community for the next 26 years, receiving much personal guidance from him on the subject of Meditation, Tantra, Love and Relationship. She began teaching in 1990 and moved to Europe in 1999 where she established a School devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts.
Sarita has developed the 7 level Tantra Soul Mate training for couples, which has been running successfully in Europe since 1998 and is also available in Asia. She also developed and teaches the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Retreat in Dharamsala India, offering profoundly transformative experience of the 112 methods from this 5000 year old scripture. She offers an international Tantra Teachers Training, comprised of 4 two week modules, the one month, Ultimate Tantra Mystic Massage Training and The Goddess Essence Teacher Training. Sarita and her Kaula Team also offer numerous shorter groups and courses worldwide, such as Master Lover, Sacred Sexuality and Sex to Superconsciousness. More from Sarita
Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Chantelle Raven #17 | Cancer Crisis To Tantric Sexual Awakening
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Embody The Love & Freedom You Seek. From Lawyer, Mother Of Two, Cancer Survivor & Rage To Awakening The Tantrica Within. Raven supports individuals to release sexual trauma.Raven supports individuals and groups across the planet to awaken consciousness in their sexuality, to release sexual trauma and de-armour blocks in the subtle body, to bring more awareness to the relationship between the inner and outer masculine and to awaken the deep feminine in women’s work.Chantelle has a passion for spiritual awakening, a deep love for people and a unique understanding of the psyche, the body and sexuality. Originally trained as a lawyer (LLB, University of Melbourne) with Hons in Philosophy, Chantelle went on to complete two years training in Rudolf Steiner Education, followed by the completion of a certificate in Holistic Counselling. A committed mother of two, her career started in wellness and women’s health whilst at the same time pursuing a corporate career, working her way up to become CEO of an interstate sales business. When Chantelle experienced a massive personal health crisis (cervical cancer) she then placed all her time and commitment into the alternative healing arts where she uncovered her heart’s vocation in Tantra. More from RavenLiving In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Morgan Allis #16 | Transformation of Trauma & Embracing the Shadows
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
When We Have Love And Truth, That’s Where The Magic Happens. To me, truth is the line back into my soul. It can always bring me home, when I wanted to come back home I needed a place where I could tell the truth. This conversation is so vibrant for me and I love how Morgan transparently shares her life story from drop out party kid, experiencing the shadows in her unique way through to an awakened ambassador of love. I appreciate how she has overcome her traumatic life experiences and transmuted herself and life into being in service to that which is greater than the individual I. Morgan Allis, village builder and consciousness architect, painter and beloved of the universe. She approaches life as a hacker, constantly prototyping more authentic ways to live a beautiful heart centered life. She has been working with clients for over eight years, supported over 300 clients in emotional intelligence work, passion and business strategy, personal life planning and is a human design specialist.Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Yasmin De Giorgio #15 | Conscious Business As Sadhana
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Sadhana Is A Form Of Intense Spiritual Practice. You Cannot Lead From Love If You Have Not Learned To Manage Your Ego. Join me with my great friend Yasmin, a serial entrepreneur who launched three brands in the health and wellness space within five years. We dive deep in this awesome dialogue. From Business as a spiritual practice, going within for business success, overcoming adversity, facing the tyrants we all have within us, wholearcy, wholeness, attachment, duality, ego management, leadership, community, meditation and how to access inner peace. "Business is a way of continuing my sadhana. It is a way that each day I can offer myself to something greater than myself. Just like in meditation sadhana, some days it comes easily and joyfully and other days you have to push and labour your way through. I believe that business should reflect our genuine stewardship responsibilities not only to our company and human shareholders, but to the larger human community and our greatest shareholder, nature itself. I feel that we need to rise up to face the real challenge of the global environmental crises and transform ourselves into better people in the process." "I truly believe that it is our inner strength and inner wisdom that is the source of our success, materially and beyond. To do anything with meaning, we first need to experience the meaningful. That generally doesn’t come by playing it safe, it comes from ‘being in the arena’, from opening yourself to life and being its humble student. Go within for business success. One of my favourite quotes is ‘ To face the multiple crises that confront the world not only must everything we do change but so must each and everyone of us from the inside’. This quote was written with the environmental crises in mind and its beautiful for that but it’s also true for our own personal crises, any crises that we face it’s not a question of an outside solution, it’s all about how can we step in to a greater level of potential, how can we transform to raise and meet that crises." "The role and function of any leader is to make sure the community is thriving." More from Yasmin and Sanya Malta Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
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Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Erick Elated #14 | From The Ghettos Of Havana To The Bliss Of Bali
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
I believe we are already perfect, in all our beautiful imperfections. "It’s precisely those things we have some resistance to that other people often love most about ourself. Love has no price or condition. It’s simply a mutual gift from one heart to another." I love these words from my great friend Epic Erick. A little backstory from Erick: I was born the year John Lennon was shot. In an island where people are forbidden to leave, unless the government approves of it. I managed to leave it 20 years later. I grew up in a very emotionally turbulent environment. Divorced parents, the ghetto of Havana, terrible partners making my mom’s life even more difficult. I remember some time in my late teenage years thinking to myself, when was the next bad thing going to strike. Because it had been far longer than I was accustomed to, without seeing anything terribly unpleasant manifest in my reality. Human suffering has always been a topic in my mind. Why we behave so bad sometimes, or make really awful choices, making life much worse than it should be, for ourself and others. I’ve dedicated my whole life to inquiring these questions. All I have is my life, my heart, my intuition, my love, to be of service to you. To the World.Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Ohad Pele #13 | Sacred Sexuality, Sovereignty, Love & Freedom
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Sacred Sexuality Is A Living Temple & A Secret Gate To Divine Realms. Sexuality is a secret gate to the Divine realms that is still unrecognised by most of humanity. In ancient Temples, sexuality was practiced as a key to open portals into other dimensions, but this knowledge was mostly forgotten. Sacred Sexuality is a living temple, where we can offer our egos on the altar, expand our consciousness, download visions, create magic, heal traumas and surrender deeply to Love itself”. I had the pleasure of meeting Pele when attending ISTA Level 1&2 sexual shamanic retreats. During the training, I wanted to capture the three facilitators to bring their inspiring visions, wisdom and intentions to you all you. Pele, a lead faculty in ISTA, (International School Of Temple Arts) has been teaching Kabbalah, Sacred Sexuality and Conscious Relating for more than 30 years. His life partner Dawn Cherie is a lead faculty in ISTA as well and many times they lead workshops together. Coming from a background of being a traditional Kabbalist Rabbi in Jerusalem, as well as an academic scholar and a community leader he is well known as one of the most influencing and radical spiritual teachers in Israel.
Pele is also the author of the historical fiction "Kedesha - A timeless tale of a Love Priestess", a page turner that exposes the hidden conspiracy in ancient Jerusalem that had lead to the destruction of the Goddess Temples and formation of monotheistic text based religions. Pele and Dawn are life partners since 2002 and co-founders of KabaLove — the school of Love in Kabbala. Pele is an artist, photographer and a song writer. His first album “Something out of Chaos” His second album “Cosmic Snake” More from Ohad PeleLiving In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Susan Marshall #12 | Embracing Change & Leading WIth The Heart
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Supporting The Emergence Of A New, More Heart-centered & Sustainable Paradigm. Connecting deeply to this incredible navigational instrument. Am I choosing me and wanting to be wIth myself? How do we fully embody all of ourselves and truly see with the eyes of love?Susan Zahira Marshall is a visionary explorer meets practical, hands-on strategist who nurtures and accelerates transformation in individuals, businesses, and communities. During her 15-year career as a strategist at the global economic powerhouse, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), she pioneered groundbreaking programs - including the institution's first Innovation Lab - and helped energize a culture of innovation. Susan weaves together empathic sensitivity with the ability to vision expansive possibilities, devise practical strategies, and co-create environments that are both safe and inspirational, in support of paradigmatic shifts within an ecosystem. She has a unique ability to move within and between diverse spheres, connecting with world-class spiritual and wellness luminaries, conscious communities around the globe, and key players in the world of business, technology and finance. She is inspired to bridge the worlds of structure and spirit to support the emergence of a new, more heart-centered and sustainable paradigm. Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Dharmaraj #11 | Tantra Teacher, Sexuality Educator & Holistic Healer
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Living In Integrity Is The Key Word In My Life. I’m Fascinated By Holistic Healing And The Merging Of Sexuality, Science, And Spirituality. Many of the healing modalities that I use are a combination of two or even three of the above. I call them Spiritual Technology. And this is really where I find my joy and my expertise. I take my surgical precision and ability to create treatment plans for the patient / client from my Dentistry training, and apply that to my healing sessions. To experience the magic of anothers transformation and healing is one of the most fulfilling feelings in the world. Dharmaraj is a Tantra Teacher, Sexuality Educator, Holistic Healer and Doctor. As Lead Faculty of Tantra Essence team, he offers trainings internationally in Europe, Asia, and USA, across more than 13 countries worldwide. With a passion for sacred sexual healing through Tantra Massage, he leads the annual Ultimate Mystic Tantra Massage practitioner’s training in Bali, as well as guides sexual healing journeys for clients via individual sessions. Dharmaraj also helps men, women, and couples come into full understanding and expression of their sexual potential through online coaching and private retreats. More from Dharmaraj Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Aaron Kleinerman #10 | The Key To Awakening Is To Utilise Life As School
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Why Am I Fucking Here? The Key To Awakening Is To Utilise Life As School. Take Full Responsibility For Yourself. It Hurts Trying To Be Somebody Else. Aaron Kleinerman is a Transformational Sex and Relationship Coach, Facilitator & Speaker. He is the lead male teacher for the Embodied Awakening Academy, a Tantric Practioner, and creator of ‘The Conscious Mans Guide to the Bedroom.’ He has learned from the great masters in the field of sexuality and transformation, including earning a master’s degree in spiritual psychology. Aaron went from being a licensed captain navigating ships to a sexual behavior and movement specialist navigating souls. His workshops, retreats, sessions and speeches help humans integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. Aaron speaks and teaches honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence. Aaron’s mastery as a teacher provides the practical tools everyone needs to implement embodied awakened intelligence into daily life. More from Aaron Kleinerman
Living In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Aurika Valan #9 | Awaken Your Sexuality & Claim Your Space In The World
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Becoming An Intimacy Coach Wasn't Exactly On My "When I Grow Up I Wanna Be..." List. Sexuality is not just about pleasure. Its about our totality. Meet close friend Aurika Valan as we transparently dive into the story of her transformation into celebrating all of her wild nature and supporting and educating women to awaken their sexuality. "Sexuality is not just about pleasure. Its about our totality. One day I decided to go celibate. For a month. You may be laughing… But the story was not so funny as I was self-pleasuring myself to sleep most nights during the years when I suffered from insomnia – a quick-fix clitoral orgasm would help me fall asleep. During that month I experienced the potency of the sexual energy building up in my lower energy centres and I literally didn’t know what to do with myself—it wasn't even pleasant! I was lucky enough to be surrounded by awakened people who taught me how to circulate this energy by doing breathwork. This is when I truly discovered the power of conscious sexuality – like Columbus "discovering" the South American lands which had been always there… After years of searching for love externally I came back home – to the temple of my body. This sparked a fire in me that has been fuelling my journey ever since. So I began claiming my space in the world by intentionally awakening my sexuality." More from Aurika ValanLiving In The GiftAll podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Simon Transparently And here is the link to join our epic online community The Be Love Tribe

Transparent Communication
‘Real Listening is the willingness to let the other being change you’
When I am willing to let them change me, something happens between us that’s more interesting than a pair of duelling monologues. - Alan Alda
“The common misconception is that language has to do with *words* and what they mean. It doesn’t. It has to do with *people* and what *they* mean”