Simon Transparently Podcast
Simon Transparently Podcast features simon and guests sharing transparent conversations to inspire, educate and awaken your hearts, so that we can all RISE up together as love and co-create the more beautiful world we know is possible. Diving into key subjects; truth, sex, death, money, power and play.

Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Alexander Keehnen #26 | Gaianet, Growing The Roots Of The New Earth
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
What Are The Solutions That Transition Us Into The Birth Of A New Society. The path of least resistance is also the path of highest joy and value. Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication.
I lived "in the system" until my 28th year, then I quit corporate life and started living on purpose. 37 now, I feel like I gathered more life experience than most 80-year olds. It's been a rollercoaster of intense experience, beautiful projects, people and ideas and most of all: my personal transformation.
My journey is one to experience the full magic of life, make the absolute most out of my time in this life and my entiure life I've been inspired to figure out how life really works. When I understood life is about pure presence, flow in the moment and authentic self-expression, that became my priority.
And I believe we are all coming to a similar realization. That love is all there is and the we are all One. We just need to master our minds, let go of limiting beliefs we learned and learn to connect and relate meaningfully to each other.
I learned to view life as a continuous series of now-moments. My body-mind system is at the centre of every experience and with every choice I make, I choose to step into a certain timeline. I practice experiencing realities deeply with full presence, and realised life becomes an intense (but beautiful) trip that way.
Like everyone, I am simultaneously a student and a master. While I am still studying, reflecting, practicing diligently every day, I also mastered certain skills really worth sharing.Gaia Net is a network of networks where heart-conscious project leaders, experts and professionals connect to share knowledge, network and resources in co-creation of a harmonious and abundant world. Web: Alexander Keehnen
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
You can contribute your gifts through Patreon.

Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Self Love Now with Oliver Lennard | Ep #4
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Can I really Say I Love Myself? I Remember Having Difficult Times. Gratitude Is A Pillar Of Self Love. I am happy that with acceptance I can say I love myself. I always make an effort to spot every moment when I am not giving myself love. Love is beautiful. The main message is, YOU are enough. If you look around you, you will see how much everything is supporting you. No matter how challenging it may feel. Its just a matter of changing the lens and seeing through the eyes of compassion and love not scarcity and lack. Enjoy this soundbite with my good friend Oliver, one of the co-authors of this wonderful book. SELF LOVE NOW is the title of the book I curated with 54 friends answering the the same question; Why is Self-Love important?
During a ‘Sharing Circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Download and/or order at
* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received.

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Burglar To Buddha #25 | Transforming From The Inside Out
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
The Truth Is Better Than Any Drug. Are You Ready For Radical Honesty? An interview with my publisher and editor Michelle Gordon from Not From This Planet. At 18 years old Simon Paul Sutton found himself in prison, with nothing but a life of drug dealing and burglary waiting for him on the outside. On his release, Simon vowed to escape. Making the decision to become an actor was the lifeline Simon needed. It led him to theatre school and then to acting in TV and films. During those years he began questioning his existence and asking the big life questions.Who am I?Why am I here?What is truth?And then love showed up and changed everything.
Transparent, honest, intimate and funny, Burglar to Buddha gives you the chance to experience life through the eyes of a boy trapped in a world of drugs, crime and fear, who evolves into a man focused on truth and love.“It’s common to want to move on from the past experiences, especially the so-called bad ones, close the door, forget about them, and hope they go away with time. I could have done that. But instead, by revisiting my past and experiencing it again through writing about it, I moved through a deep subconscious healing process and experienced a depth of unconditional love for myself and others way beyond words could describe. I got to see myself in ways I had never seen, to connect to the little wounded me that just wanted love but was searching in all the wrong places.” ~ SPS Download the book;
Living In The GiftAll of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.
Support this podcast by becoming a Patreon.

Saturday May 29, 2021
Self Love Now with Rasheed Ogunlaru | Ep #3
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Self Love Is About Compassion That Begins At Home. Embracing Oneself, & From There, Being Able To Embrace Life Itself & Others The Best We Can. Open the eyes of the heart and see beyond the fasle beliefs that make you feel you are not worthy of love. Whatever it is for you that invites you to invest time with yourself, will allow you to look inwardly to acknowledge your strenghts, talents, qualities, values as a human being and BEing kind with YOU. Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading life and leadership coach, motivational speaker & author. His unique “become who you are” approach helps people of all backgrounds find fulfilment and progress in all areas of lives, careers, relationships and businesses – starting within. More from RasheedSELF LOVE NOW is the title of the book I curated with 54 friends answering the the same question; Why is self love important?
During a ‘Sharing Circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Download and/or order at
* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received.

Saturday May 15, 2021
Tig Monk #24 | I Dont See Violence, I See Love Asking To Be Seen
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
Is The Violence That I See Really Out There? Or Do I Put It There? As I look into the world, I don’t see people being violent, what I see is love asking to be seen, the truth asking to be seen. Greetings divine beings, thank you for tuning in, I appreciate your presence and would love to read your comments, let me know if these conversations and inquiries are benefiting you. This minisode is from the full conversation which I encourage you to go back and listen to if you havent already. Tiger speaks to the violence we witness within and across the whole globe. I know it's difficult to face what we don't want to see and feel, but unless we do, it will keep getting louder and louder and more painful too. "When I look at my own, what might be called violent tendencies, that expression of violence can only happen if I am being violent to myself. What shows up on the outside only shows the inside. If I am unkind or violent to another human being, it’s never about the other human being, its never personal. Its what’s happening on the inside which is a fear of loves loss, which is seeing myself as less than, which is not seeing the truth of what I am, which is violent, being expressed outwardly. To see this in myself I recognise that when someone else appears to be violent towards me, its not about me. It’s not personal at all." "Being human can be a painful journey of trying to connect with the sincerity of our heart’s desires. At times, the suffering and confusion seems only to lead us further away from what we deeply and sincerely crave. However, within this challenge, of suffering and confusion, is a profound and sacred opportunity. What seems to be against us, is actually, and always, a teacher that points us directly toward the fulfillment of everything we genuinely seek and long to connect with. Life, beyond all of our assumptions and judgments, is actually a landscape that’s designed to support this journey of connection; the question is, are we willing to open our eyes and see it?" More from Tiger TigMonk Inlight Connect* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday May 08, 2021
Self Love Now with Yasmin DeGiorgio | Ep #2
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
We Cannot Separate Self Love From Our Spirituality. Our Depths Cannot Be Seen And Measured They Have To Be Interpreted, There Is No Map To The Inner World. Self Love Is that journey to know ourselves. We have to be the map makers of our own inner maps and the more we know our own inner map we can really help others by pointing them in the right direction.
"The terms self and love are somewhat contradictory because love is the only force that without fail will cause the self to cease to exist. Love is such a transcendental force that it literally breaks through the boundaries of the self and carries us into connection with all that lies beyond the self. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Of course, giving that love to our own selves first is the prerequisite." Yasmin is a serial entrepreneur and Yoga & meditation teacher. She takes the wisdom she learns from her yoga practice and applies them to wellness, business and leadership. She is the founder of The Grassy Hopper, a vegetarian and vegan eatery and Theobroma Cacao Collective, healthy vegan desserts and has spent the past two years building her latest project Sanya Eco Spa, which is a wellness Centre designed to help people heal learn and go-within. More from Yasmin and Sanya Malta SELF LOVE NOW is the title of the book I curated with 54 friends answering the the same question; Why is self love important?
During a ‘Sharing Circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Download and/or order at
* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday May 01, 2021
Peppi Gauci #23 | What It Means To Lead A Regenerative Lifestyle
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Regeneration Is Asking; How Do We Look Into Nature And See How Nature Regenerates Life. Nature Is Our Mother,
The Soil Is Our Soul. There Will Be A Lot Of Noise, Just Trust Your Heart. Peppi is originally from the island of Malta. He is an experienced ecological designer, a certified permaculturist, alternative farmer, teacher, consultant, and also the founder of the Permaculture Research Foundation for Malta. He is the visionary behind the Bahrija Oasis project Malta which was an ambitious permaculture project on a dry, windy, and arid landscape since 18 years ago. His vision & design has bloomed the landscape with carefully designed & naturally occurring biodiversity and attracted many individuals, groups, reporters & documentary filmmakers.
Peppi has also ignited the vision for ZEE and he is now busy planting the forest, saving seeds, building interesting structures, growing food, teaching, sometimes surfing, and reaching out to others who form part of the Zee Community. Zee Barn bio-collective is a holistic project born out of love for living simply in balance with Mother Nature. Zee Barn brings a collection of practices and disciplines that nurture life in its fullness. More from Peppi Gauci * If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Tiger Singleton #22 | You Are Not Broken, Nothing's Missing
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
I Don’t See You As Broken. I Don’t See Anything Wrong With You. I See You Pretending Not To Know What You Are. I see your wholeness. I see that nothing’s missing. In that, the landscape becomes play. "A high school dropout, Tiger spent a few years in what he refers to as “a self-created prison of meth, cocaine, and random homelessness.” During that time, however, Tiger began to notice the root of the problem — blame.
His bio reads that in a time when he was without a home and living in his car, he began to notice how much he was hating/judging other people for his current life condition. Life was showing him something. Life was trying to show him how much it hurt to blame and carry around this weight that felt powerless. That realization left him with a deep and powerful question, “What if they weren’t at fault, what if this was my own doing?”
He married, had children, and left his addictions behind. But attaining a feeling of success escaped him. He weighed almost 300 pounds. He was engulfed by depression and despair. At this low point in his life, he surrendered. And in this surrender, he had the epiphany that his perception of reality was a creation in his mind resulting from comparing himself to others. Moreover, comparison was not necessary because he had a fully-realized self, perfect in its own right. From this point, Tiger began a deep and powerful communication with Source. His understanding of life became so joyful and profound that he couldn’t help sharing it with others. As he shared, other people responded in amazing ways. Tiger Singleton, at one of the lowest points in his life, became the mystic Tigmonk and he didn’t even realise it." "Being human can be a painful journey of trying to connect with the sincerity of our heart’s desires. At times, the suffering and confusion seems only to lead us further away from what we deeply and sincerely crave. However, within this challenge, of suffering and confusion, is a profound and sacred opportunity. What seems to be against us, is actually, and always, a teacher that points us directly toward the fulfillment of everything we genuinely seek and long to connect with. Life, beyond all of our assumptions and judgments, is actually a landscape that’s designed to support this journey of connection; the question is, are we willing to open our eyes and see it?" More from Tiger TigMonk Inlight Connect* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Self Love Now with Shelley Sophia Crawford | Ep#1
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
My Passion Is To Serve Each Person I Meet In The Greater Expression Of Their Passion, Purpose & Service Here On The Planet. Wholeness Is Our natural State When We Stop Forgetting & Remember. I love great mountains, rivers, oceans, and secret fresh water springs, I love flowers and trees and consorting with fairies. I prefer high places with good views, but have been found wandering along rivers in distant countries. I follow the Mystery, but have neither studied in a Mystery School, nor am I starting one. I believe there are timeless Pathways to unravel and be made whole again. I believe souls remember each other and that the past can be healed with love, and what that looks and feels like is unique to each person. More from ShelleyDuring a ‘Sharing Circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Download and/or order at* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received. Join the online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Charles Eisenstein #21 | Miracles Are Possible
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
The Power We Have Is Far Beyond What The Rational Mind Understands. What I Thought Was Hopeless Is Not Hopeless. Enjoy this LIVE community conversation and Q&A with Charles. If it serves you then please share with friends to spread this wonderful interactive experience. " We can be part of a creative process that is far greater than ourselves and when we bow into service to that process, then miracles start happening around us. Including the miracle necessary for this world to heal. We are too far gone for any practical healing plan to work, we are not at that stage right now, we are at the stage where we need miracles. I am very specific what I mean by a miracle, It is something that is impossible from an old story but very possible from a new one and therefore when we experience one, it is like the light coming in from a crack in the shell of the universe showing us there is something beyond that universe. And that’s why a miracle that comes into your life is so impactful, if you accept it, if you take it in, and that’s why we have to take it all in, the darkness and light so that we are operating with a full deck, and we are in reality. Like those happenings in your life, of synchronicity, of psychedelic insights, of healing miracles, miracles of forgiveness and generosity, the things you can’t believe they are true almost, that its happening, you have to take those in fully, and you can’t believe its true, what those feelings mean, that’s like the bewilderment of reality dissolving into a bigger reality. And I can’t believe it, well you have to believe it, you have to accept the gift of these happenings, and why do I call it a gift? Because you didn’t make it happen, that’s why its called a miracle because you didn’t make it happen. You couldn’t have planned it, you couldn’t have forced it, yet it happened and that communicates 'WOW' we live in a generous universe. And what I thought was hopeless is not hopeless." Charles Eisenstein is one of the most important voices in the world today. A teacher, speaker, philosopher and author focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. He is the author of Sacred Economics & The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible and more from Charles here; charles eisenstein* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this content and your support would be greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Ilan Stephani #20 | Trauma Is The Highway Back To Truth
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
We Are Scared By The Topic Of Trauma Because We Are Traumatised. To Learn To Orgasm We Must be Ready To Die. Whatever I feel driven to share, comes from the dark nights, the wounding, the trauma. Ilan Stephani is a Berlin-based bestselling author and researcher about how to shift collective paradigms, un-learn cultural conditioning and gain back our natural orgasmic aliveness. She walks the talk with endless curiosity, humor and ongoing research in the fields of Embodiment | Sexuality | Trauma | Health | Mysticism. Ilan gained nation-wide attention with her bestselling book, Skin and Games – What Sexwork Taught Me About Love. Ilan teaches in both German and English.
We are born as ecstatic beings and yet spend most of our time in our heads. There is no way to the body. The body is the way. More from: Ilan Stephani * If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this podcast and your supportive gifts are greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Friday Apr 02, 2021
We Are Sovereign Beings At The Dawn Of A New Civilisation | Ohad Pele
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
I Am A Sovereign Being Because I Recognise The Divine In Me, In You. I had the pleasure of meeting Pele when attending Ista L1&2 sexual shamanic retreats. During the training I wanted to capture the three facilitators to bring their inspiring visions, wisdom and intentions to you all. This is Pele. This is just a 2 min taster. Please listen to the full podcastSacred Sexuality Is A Living Temple & A Secret Gate To Divine Realms. “Sexuality is a secret gate to the Divine realms that is still unrecognised by most of humanity. In ancient Temples, sexuality was practiced as a key to open portals into other dimensions, but this knowledge was mostly forgotten. Sacred Sexuality is a living temple, where we can offer our egos on the altar, expand our consciousness, download visions, create magic, heal traumas and surrender deeply to Love itself”. More from Ohad Pele
* If you are LOVING my transmissions then please become a Patreon. You can choose the amount that feels true in your heart. It requires a lot of energy to produce this podcast and your supportive gifts are greatly received. Join our online community The Be Love Tribe

Transparent Communication
‘Real Listening is the willingness to let the other being change you’
When I am willing to let them change me, something happens between us that’s more interesting than a pair of duelling monologues. - Alan Alda
“The common misconception is that language has to do with *words* and what they mean. It doesn’t. It has to do with *people* and what *they* mean”